City of Winnipeg storage facility


Building Type

Building Profile

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Contact a Cobra Structures representative today

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Warehouse | Custom | Atlas


Fabric building foundation types are a critical component of every structure. When the City of Winnipeg needed a tall, versatile, and portable fabric building for water and waste storage it became clear that a pre-cast concrete block foundation was the right choice for them. With the City’s water and waste department operating year-round, a quick and proper installation service was top priority.


  • 55’ x 100’ size (5,500 square feet)
  • Atlas Building profile
  • 12’ wide overhead door
  • 8’ man door
  • Concrete block foundation
  • Hot-dip galvanized steel trusses


A local fabric building supplier called upon our installation services for this project, as we are based just outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba. With the City’s water and waste department operating year-round, a quick and proper installation service was top priority. To their liking, we erected their 55’ x 100’ structure in under a week.

Fast Building Installations

Our building installation was so quick for a number of reasons: the City of Winnipeg is a local client meaning no travel was necessary, and it was a simple process for us as we used pre-cast concrete blocks. This saved both time and operational costs — and that goes for any fabric structure installation. At the end of the day, a concrete block foundation is a stable, easy install.

Concrete Block Foundation Install

First, we need to set the 5,000 lbs. blocks in the right spots, and once the steel trusses begin to go up we strap them to the blocks using a steel plate. With the blocks in place, the fabric structure gains some extra height and remains portable if it ever needed moving to another location. All materials also remain secured inside the fabric structure.

By exceeding the customer’s expectations on this install we’ve created a lasting relationship with the City. Since this project we’ve completed recovers and repairs on their buildings in and around Winnipeg, maintaining our promise of staying on time and on budget.


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