City of St. Jospeh Salt and Sand Recover


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St. Joseph, Minnesota

Salt and Sand | Custom | Atlas


Our USA division made the trek to St. Joseph, Minnesota to recover a damaged salt and sand fabric building. The 40′ x 60′ building is used for mixed salt and sand storage, with the fabric cover providing protection against the elements and reduced caking and runoff.

Our on-site employees measured out customized dimensions to guarantee a perfect fit for the new cover. The recover service was a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire fabric structure, and the new fabric cover gives the City of St. Joseph up to another 25 years of use out of their current storage building.


  • 40’ x 60’ size (2,400 square feet)
  • Atlas Building profile
  • 12’ x 14 overhead door
  • 3′ x 7′ man door
  • Concrete block foundation
  • Clearspan interior


    SupplySupply & InstallMechanicalRepairs/Service/Inspection