Keewatinohk Converter Station


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Gillam, Manitoba

Takedown & Relocation


Cobra Structures and Cobra Mechanical took down a 9,700 square foot gymnasium (steel exterior, fabric interior) at the Keewatinohk converter station located northeast of Gillam, Manitoba. Once fully dismantled, Cobra Structures transported and relocated the gymnasium structure to Norway House Cree Nation.

Our structures and mechanical crews provided both the dismantling and relocation services in-house, which not only saved the clients both time and money but also allowed for reliable and organized project management services. ⁣


  • 152’ x 64’ size (9,700 square feet)
  • Steel exterior, fabric interior
  • Mezzanine with exercise room and squash courts
  • Basketball court, exercise room
  • 2 mechanical rooms
  • Fully insulated
  • Concrete foundation


Coming soon plus stay tuned for the re-installation of this structure!